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Dekalb Workers’ Compensation Lawyers


    Call (815) 965-5777 or schedule a free consultation
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    The Only Lawyer You Will Need After a Workplace Injury

    Workplace injuries are terrifying. Many workers are unable to return to work and lose out on desperately needed compensation to pay bills and keep a roof over their head. The cost of medical care can also easily skyrocket, especially when a worker is permanently injured. Fortunately, Illinois law requires that most employers obtain no-fault workers’ compensation insurance. These policies will pay out benefits to cover the cost of medical care and replace lost wages.

    Obtaining workers’ compensation benefits should be easy, but there are many snags along the way. Some workers are denied benefits even though they clearly qualify based on the facts of their case.

    At Tuite Law, our DeKalb workers’ compensation lawyers have represented injured workers just like you for years. We understand how the system works and can guide your case through the claims process. Reach out to our firm today to learn more.

    Serious Legal Representation for Serious Injuries

    Our firm has helped workers in DeKalb and Northern Illinois for decades. Our clients need medical care to treat serious injuries, including:

    • Back injuries, including pulled muscles or tendons, ruptured hernias, and rib fractures
    • Neck injuries, such as whiplash or cervical fractures
    • Repetitive stress injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, and bursitis
    • Foot injuries, including fractures and plantar fasciitis
    • Knee injuries
    • Amputations
    • Burns, including second-degree and third-degree burns
    • Asbestosis, silicosis, and other breathing disorders

    These are only some of the injuries our clients suffer from. If you were injured or develop an illness at work, you could receive workers’ compensation benefits. Contact us today.

    No-Fault Benefits Available to Workers

    So long as you were injured while working, you should qualify for any of the following benefits:

    • All reasonable and necessary medical care
    • Temporary disability benefits
    • Permanent or partial disability benefits
    • Vocational rehabilitation (when you cannot return to your old job)
    • Death benefit (when the worker dies)

    Workers’ compensation benefits are “no fault,” which essentially means that it does not matter who is responsible for the accident that injured you. For example, you could have been performing your job carelessly which led to an injury. This is okay.

    Let us review your case to determine what benefits you qualify for. Some insurers aggressively deny claims, at least initially, and might claim that you were injured off the job.

    Bringing an Appeal

    Receiving a denial of your claim is not the end of the matter. Instead, workers have detailed rights to bring an appeal, but there are many hoops they need to jump through. Critically, you will need an attorney who can gather the necessary evidence to show your injury qualifies for compensation. Workers must establish a solid evidentiary record now because they will not have the ability to supplement it later.

    Fortunately, our lawyers are affordable. At Tuite Law, we represent injured workers on a contingency fee basis, so our clients pay nothing upfront. Instead, they agree that our firm will take a percentage of their benefits if we are successful with their claim.

    Speak With a Dekalb Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today

    We offer free consultations in a confidential setting. Call (815) 965-5777 to schedule yours today.

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    Disclaimer: An attorney-client relationship is not created by submitting this initial contact form. You are not considered a client of the firm until we have accepted your case and a retainer agreement is signed.

    Why choose Tuite Law:

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      Free consultation, no fee if no recovery

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      Personal attention for every client

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      Experienced attorneys

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      A record of success