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Can I Receive Social Security Disability if My Disability Is Not on the Listing of Impairments?

March 16, 2017
Greg Tuite

When you are disabled and unable to work as such, filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits may provide you with the financial support you need every month. However, qualifying for Social Security disability is not always easy, and every year, thousands of SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income) claims are denied.

Proving that you are disabled to the extent that you are unable to work can be tough in itself – if you have a disability that is not on the listing of impairments provided by the Social Security Administration, you may be wondering whether or not you are even eligible to receive SS benefits. Here’s what you need to know:

When You Are Considered “Automatically Disabled” By the Social Security Administration

Rockford Medical Disability Lawyer

The Social Security Administration maintains a Listing of Impairments – Adult Conditions, which lists some of the most disabling conditions and illnesses. If you have a condition found on this list, the Social Security Administration automatically considers you to be disabled. While you will have to prove through medical evidence that you suffer from the condition, the fact that the condition is listed by the SSA means that you do not have to prove that the condition is disabling; it is automatically considered as such.

My Condition Isn’t on the Listing of Impairments. What Should I Do?

Just because your health condition is not found on the listing of impairments does not mean that you are not eligible for Social Security disability benefits. You will still be considered disabled by the Social Security Administration if:

  • You are unable to do the work that you did before as a result of your health condition;
  • You cannot adjust to other work because of your health condition; and
  • Your condition has lasted, or expected to last, for a minimum of 12 months or result in death.

Medical costs attorneyYou will need sufficient medical evidence to substantiate the criteria above.

Benefits Aren’t Determined by Disability Alone

It is important to remember that even if you are disabled and are unable to work, whether you have a condition that is listed by the Social Security Administration or not, this in itself does not qualify you for benefits. In addition to having a disabling condition that prevents you from being able to work, you must also have earned enough Social Security work credits during your working years (for SSDI benefits), or be of limited income and resources (for SSI benefits).

Recovering the SSDI/SSI Benefits that You Deserve

The process of applying for Social Security disability benefits can be very confusing, and if your claim is denied, knowing how to appeal the decision is important. At the offices of Tuite Law, our experienced Rockford Social Security disability attorneys can help you to understand whether or not you are eligible for benefits, how to file your claim for benefits, and what to do if your claim is denied. To meet with one of our talented Social Security disability attorneys today, call our law offices at (815) 965-5777 or write us a message using the form found on our website.

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