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Belvidere Social Security Disability Attorney


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    The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is one of two large federal programs that provide benefits to people with disabilities. Designed for those who are disabled and have earned Social Security work credits during their working years, SSDI benefits can provide disabled persons with the monthly assistance that they need. However, being approved for SSDI benefits isn’t always easy, and the Social Security Administration denies hundreds of claims every year.

    If you are disabled and have questions about SSDI benefits or are ready to apply, our Belvidere Social Security disability attorney will competently guide you through all steps of the application process.

    Who Qualifies for Social Security Disability Benefits?

    In order to receive SSDI benefits, you must have a qualifying disability. The Social Security Administration defines a qualifying disability as one that:

    • Is listed on the listing of impairments provided by the Social Security Administration; or
    • Is serious enough to prevent you from doing the same work that you did before; and
    • Prevents you from being able to adjust to other work; and
    • Has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death.

    In addition to having a qualifying disability, you must also have earned enough Social Security work credits. These credits are based on your yearly income, and you can earn up to four credits per year.

    How many work credits you will need to get disability benefits will depend upon the age that you are at the time of your disability. Our experienced Belvidere Social Security disability attorney will help you to understand whether or not you have enough work credits to qualify for benefits.

    How to Get Your Claim for Social Security Disability Benefits Approved

    Applying for Social Security disability benefits is a big process, and requires a lot of attention to detail. During the application process, you will need to provide an array of information about yourself and your disability. This include:

    • Proof of your age;
    • Tax records and w-2s;
    • Medical records detailing your disability;
    • The names of your doctors;
    • Information about the job you held prior to your disability; and
    • Any information about family members who may qualify for benefits.

    If your application is not filled out in full and accurately, it could be denied. If your application is denied, you have the right to appeal the Social Security Administration’s decision, but it is highly recommended that you work with a legal professional during this process to ensure accuracy.

    Contact Our Belvidere Social Security Disability Law Firm Today

    We know that you need benefits, and that you want benefits to start as soon as possible. When you contact our knowledgeable Belvidere Social Security disability attorney, we will go to work on your application immediately. We work hard on your behalf to maximize your chances of being approved for benefits the first time you apply. Contact us today online or by phone to learn more.

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