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Belvidere Car Accident Lawyers


    Call (815) 965-5777 or schedule a free consultation
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    The Only Law Firm to Call After a Belvidere Car Accident

    According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, our state sees about 300,000 car accidents a year, resulting in over 65,000 injuries. Every accident is different, but all have the potential to cause serious injuries. At Tuite Law, we help accident victims obtain compensation for their injuries, and we will gladly meet with you to discuss yours.

    Our firm has helped accident victims for decades. The days and weeks following a wreck are some of the hardest for victims to endure. Let us lift the load from your shoulders by doing the investigative work necessary to support a claim. Without a lawyer, you might struggle to get the money you are entitled to.

    Why Car Accidents Happen

    Illinois requires that all drivers pass a driving exam before getting a license, so all motorists on the road should have the skill and knowledge to drive safely. Unfortunately, many don’t. They make some careless error or take unnecessary risks that endanger the health and safety of other motorists. Our Belvidere car accident lawyers have helped clients injured by:

    • Distracted drivers
    • Drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs, including prescription drugs
    • Reckless or aggressive drivers who tailgate, pass illegally, speed, and weave in and out of traffic
    • Careless drivers who fail to check their mirrors, use turn signals, or look before making a right-on-red turn
    • Improperly inspected or maintained vehicles that will malfunction in the critical moments before an accident
    • Cars designed or manufactured defectively

    Many of our clients have no idea how the accident occurred. Everything was a blur, and all they know is that they ended up in the back of an ambulance. That’s okay. Our skilled Belvidere car accident lawyers can carefully review the evidence to determine what caused the wreck.

    How to Obtain Compensation Following an Accident

    At Tuite Law, we fully understand the steps that need to be taken to obtain compensation for a client’s injuries. Few people are prepared to negotiate their settlement on their own, and insurance companies are not eager to offer fair compensation to cover your losses.

    Many of our clients obtain compensation for:

    • Medical care to treat the injury, including the cost of surgery, rehabilitation, doctor appointments, and prescription drugs
    • Lost income or lost wages, including lost self-employment income
    • Property damage, especially damage to your vehicle
    • Pain and suffering and other intangible losses

    If a loved one died in a wreck, then we can seek compensation for surviving family members. These types of wrongful death lawsuits compensate our clients for the loss of income their loved one would have earned had he or she lived. We can also seek money for the grief and mental anguish our clients suffer after the loss of a loved one.

    Calculating the monetary value of injuries is a complicated task. Don’t do it alone!

    Contact Tuite Law

    If you were injured in an accident, reach out to a Belvidere car accident lawyer at Tuite Law today. Our team has the experience you need at this difficult moment. Call (815) 965-5777 or send an online message.

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    Disclaimer: An attorney-client relationship is not created by submitting this initial contact form. You are not considered a client of the firm until we have accepted your case and a retainer agreement is signed.

    Why choose Tuite Law:

    • free-consultation-icon

      Free consultation, no fee if no recovery

    • personal-attention-icon

      Personal attention for every client

    • experienced-attorneys-icon

      Experienced attorneys

    • record-of-success-icon

      A record of success